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4 Philosophies Of Parenting And Their Effects On Children

5 min read
Philosophies Of Parenting

The idea of effective parenting is still a mystery to many in a world where some of the most astounding technological advancements the human race has ever witnessed exist. After dating like a prince and princess in a little fairytale just like the series Bridgerton on They’ll eventually become one of the numerous parents throughout the world. A child does not come with a manual, that’s why you should always be prepared for what’s coming because it’s not like an unknown event in a person’s life at this age. There are various typical parenting practices and patterns are divided into groups based on their characteristics by psychologists and other subject matter experts who have developed a universal framework. Diana Baumrind, a developmental psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, first proposed the model in the 1960s. In the 1980s, psychologists Maccoby and Martin refined and built on it.

The framework recognizes 4 primary parenting philosophies:

  • Authoritative parenting
  • Disciplinarian (or authoritarian)
  • Allowance (or indulgent)
  • Careless (or uninvolved)

All of these theories have characteristics that fit a specific lifestyle that a family has, and this can manifest in any of them. These parenting techniques and kids’ behavior are highly related, claims Baumrind. The parenting style used can affect how well children succeed and develop. This article will focus on the pros and cons of each parenting philosophy and how can you determine if you experienced this, and if you’re a first-time parent, you could use this as a reference on how you will raise your kid.

The 4 Types Of Parenting Styles, Each With Pros And Cons

  • Authoritative Parenting

Parents are known to have full authority in their house as they are the ones who carry every responsibility to raise their family, meaning they have high expectations for maturity and achievement, but they are also amiable and accommodating. They accept criticisms as long as there is open communication within the family.  These parents will always explain their actions to their kids; this can naturally give the kids a lesson that they can bring up to their adulthood.  disciplinary methods are confrontative, which indicates that they are reasonable, logical, goal-oriented, and centered on regulating behavior rather than using coercion. This means that you will be straightforward on everything and have no sugar-coating, but you should ensure that this type of behavior that you will do won’t give a negative impact or childhood to your kids. The parents in charge are strict but supportive and loving. They value autonomy, encourage independence, and allow their children lots of freedom.

  • It is also possible to communicate in both directions. The democratic parenting technique is another name for this method of raising children. Parents in positions of leadership value their kids.
  • Discipline policies and the reasons behind them are well-defined.
  • Communication is frequent, reciprocal, and appropriate for the child’s level of understanding.
  • Bossy, nurturing, and in charge parents are authoritative parents.
  • Children have a key part in accomplishing their high expectations and ambitions.
  • Baumrind’s research on parenting styles indicates that children of strict and authoritarian parents are more likely to:
  • Act content and happy.
  • Become more self-reliant and energetic.
  • Achieve better academic achievements.
  • Develop a good self-perception.
  • Engage in friendly conversation while demonstrating socially adept behavior.
  • Have better mental health, with fewer incidents of drug and alcohol misuse, delinquency, melancholy, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.
  • Display lower propensities for violence
  • Disciplinarian Parenting

This is the other side of being authoritative because this type of style is the same but goes to the extent of extreme behavior that is not good for your child. Cases like this occur when there are high standards that are held upon the children, but disciplinarian parents demand unquestioned conformity which makes their kids not question anything that they say.  They only allow one-way contacts and by that means everything, all the orders must not be questioned at all times. Any attempts to argue back will result in negative words or even punishment because that is deemed as “backtalk”. These parents practice strong discipline and frequently use harsh punishment, such as corporal punishment, to maintain behavioral control. They use coercive techniques of discipline, which are arbitrary, prescriptive, dictatorial, and motivated by creating status differences. They think that this will ready their children with the harsh reality where in fact that there is a much bigger missing but first, these are the feature that the parents have and what it does to their children:

The Features Of Discipline-Based Parenting:

  • They impose strict regulations and rarely negotiate.
  • Punishment is customary.
  • The majority of parent-child talks are monologues. Rules are stated, but they are not defined.
  • This kind of parenting frequently lacks compassion and care.
  • A low sense of self
  • Insufficient social skills
  • Abuse of drugs and alcohol.

Children of parents who have a strict parenting style are more likely to:

  • Be pessimistic about life
  • Lack self-reliance.
  • Have a poor sense of oneself.
  • Show behavior or behavioral concerns more frequently.
  • More angry outbursts.
  • Poor academic standing.
  • Have fewer social skills.
  • Are more likely to internalize behavioral and mental health issues.
  • Have a higher propensity to battle drug usage.
  • Have less effective coping skills.


  • Allowance (or indulgent) Parenting

The indulgent parent sets relatively the ones that give a care-free parenting style to their children which are ideal for some, especially those teenagers who experienced the disciplinarian type of parenting. These indulgent parents do not relish declining their children’s requests or disappointing them. They aggressively encourage, yet they don’t bother. They are anything but severe in how they enforce discipline. They often have this behavior that they will just let you learn things on your own but is still there for guidance. They have expectations from you but they don’t impose them in a certain way that you will feel pressure. They have this “take your time” or “go at your own pace”. 

The Characteristics Of Allowant (or Indulgent) Parenting

The worst parenting results often occur in children with permissive parents, they tend to:

  • Not adhering to regulations.
  • Have less restraint.
  • Possess an egotistical nature.
  • Have additional issues in their social and romantic relationships.
  • Uncontrolled Behavior.
  • They are Egocentric.
  • Inadequate social skills
  • Enhanced Impulsivity
  • Neglectful Or Uninvolved Parenting

This is the last one and the type of parent that just doesn’t care. They’re just there existing, they are just parents because they have a child that’s all. This can be harmful to the children because they don’t have any source of guidance that they need as they grow. Some of these types of parents even leave their children at some pointinf their lives.

The Characteristics Of Neglectful Parenting

  • Children of neglectful and uninvolved parents:
  • Are more reckless.
  • Unable to control their emotions.
  • Encounter greater issues with addiction and delinquent behavior.
  • Often have mental health difficulties, such as suicidal behavior.


All of these are important for a children’s life and also the parents’ because this will shape the whole family together. This can be a huge step towards parenthood especially if you don’t know what to do and don’t want to end up too strict or too careless towards your kids. Hoping this article helped you with one of your existing problems.

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